
Myanmar's special peace talks focus on non-secession, unified army issues

Source: Xinhua| 2018-10-17 11:03:38|Editor: Xiang Bo
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NAY PYI TAW, Oct. 17 (Xinhua) -- Myanmar's ongoing special peace talks focused on the issue of non-secession from the union, Vice Chairman of the ethnic Kayin National Union (KNU) Pado Saw Kwe Htoo Win told a press conference at the end of the second day of the talks late Tuesday.

The talks were held between the Myanmar government, the amry and the 10 nationwide ceasefire accord (NCA)- signatory ethnic armed organizations (EAO).

"Both sides adopted a policy to amend the wording for political dialogue and to overcome the bottleneck of that issue," he said.

With regard to the issue for establishing a unified army, he said both sides agreed to negotiate and to prepare for the wording "security reintegration" including the seven-point roadmap in the NCA, while accepting the point that a democratic federal union must have only one army and agreeing to seek ways on forming the unified army with different ethnic races.

Director-General of the State Counselor's Office U Zaw Htay told the press conference that NCA signatories proposed to the government to hold a summit between them and non-signatories in the second week of November as part of the efforts for inclusiveness in peace making process.

The trilateral peace talks kicked off in Nay Pyi Taw on Monday, agreeing on the second day to set up a timetable and priority work process needed for important basic principles related to democracy and federal in future 21st Century Panglong Peace Conferences.

Participants vowed to strive toward participation of all NCA non-signatory EAO and work toward achieving sustainable peace.

The special peace talks, marking the third anniversary of the signing of NCA, is aimed at overcoming bottlenecks at various levels of political discussions.

The third session of the 21st Century Panglong Peace Conference was held in July.